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  • Solar becoming more attractive

    25 June 2013

    You might see renewables as being able to fully replace Nuclear, or you might support a more balanced approach. Whatever your views, you might find the article from Jeremy Leggett in this week’s Guardian interesting – see here.

    For those of you not familiar with him, Jeremy is an expert in the field of renewables and also runs his own Solar company, Solar Century.

    The salient point for me is not that he lost a bet regarding grid parity, but that his research reveals that the residential price of Solar PV has come down 60% over the last 3 years. This is based on evidence provided by his own company.

    On the other hand the cost of Nuclear has risen by 70%. This was based on information obtained from EDF, and in particular the Flamanville EPR Reactor.

    Richard Essex, writing in a personal capacity.

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